Hi, I’m Val!

Over the past 30 years I've been a caregiver to someone very close to me four times, and three of those four times it was for a bone marrow transplant. Honestly, I look back and I can't believe some of the things I said and did; and I didn't say and didn't do! Yikes!

Recently an idea came to mind that gave me a chance to process what I’ve been through and the opportunity to share it with others: Caregiver Tea Time.

My dream is to create something I wish I had access to when I was a caregiver. Publishing this website and my podcast is my chance to share what I’ve learned on my journey and to encourage others on theirs.

In this lifetime I will never fully understand how or why my loved ones got so sick at such a young age. All I really know is that they lived their lives to the full and I feel fortunate to be a part of their journey.

I am a retired dietitian with years of clinical and research experience which has given me a unique understanding of the medical world. Having said that, I want to be clear that what I speak about on Caregiver Tea Time and information on my website is not intended to be medical advice, expertise, or me telling you what to do. I'm just sharing from my heart and my personal experience, and I hope those who are interested will find helpful information to explore further.

So, pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea, I like Earl Grey with a small spoonful of honey, and please join me for Caregiver Tea Time!


In 2019 I wrote the manuscript for a book I called, “Bone marrow transplant from the caregiver perspective”. Once it was finished, it felt too personal, and I decided to set the manuscript aside.

After I retired in 2023 I wondered what I would do with the rest of my life. Several things came to mind, but this is what I decided to work on first:

1) Finish the book I wrote about caregiving

2) Write a hit sing along song

caregiver tea Time

Once I realized how many more people can be reached with a podcast than a book, I started exploring the idea to share my message through multiple formats, including a podcast. My friend Nancy introduced me to her friend Bianca, a singer, songwriter, and producer who had a recording studio called The Koop. Bianca introduced me to an amazingly talented musician and sound engineer, Sammy Wags. I asked Bianca to be my producer because a project like this is not something I could ever do alone. She helped me get clarity with my stories and confidence in my voice. Sammy brought it all to life with his guitar and percussion playing, editing, and recording skills.

I feel so grateful to these two amazing people!

nothing but the good things

As I planned my Caregiver Tea Time Podcast, I knew it needed a theme song, and I wanted it to be a happy one. Years ago I dreamed about writing a hit song that people who sing along with as they drove down the highway. I found a music teacher, Joe Marrero, who taught me how to write a song with clear images. I wanted the song to be about how I felt when I shared my caregiver story. Usually the conversation turns somber because of the serious side of caregiving, but then a smile would come to me and I would say — “but there were so many good things too!” I made a list of good things I think about and he picked up a ukulele, strummed a few chords and we had the wonderful start to what became Nothing but the Good Things.