Welcome to Season 1 of caregiver tea time!

Episode 1

Let’s Get it together with Emotional Brain Training

This episode is going to be about something called EBT which stands for Emotional Brain Training. 

In this episode, Val shares she is a retired dietitian and has learned many skills in her career to help people find ways to reduce their stress levels in order to make healthier decisions. This is something very important for Caregivers of a spouse or child facing  cancer or other life threatening illnesses. One of these skills is Emotional Brain Training, or EBT, created by Laurel Mellin, PhD a health psychologist who developed EBT during her 40 years as a professor in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. 

Val emphasizes she is not a certified EBT provider, but was part of the provider training program for several years. She shares about the two brains, the thinking brain and the feeling brain and the difference between the two. She leads her audience through a brain state check-in and then demonstrates how she uses the brain state 5 damage control tool to "Spiral Up!".

Val shares a special message for Caregivers of AYA's (young adults between 19-39 facing cancer or a life threatening illness) encouraging extra compassion for the challenges these caregivers face with their loved one.


Intro Episode


Episode 2: EFT Tapping